TRU Engage – otl201 Post 2

  • describe the ways in which your introductory post should have enhanced social presence in a course that you teach

In my introductory post I was attempting to link course content to current events to show how it is relevant for students today. I was also trying to give a sense of my own interests through a visual photo.

  • identify at least one improvement that you might make in light of what you know about social presence since completing your first post
  • describe how your thinking about social presence has changed since your first post.

I appreciated learning how social presence is not necessarily about creating social interactions, but rather creating a shared sense of purpose. I’m reflecting on a course that I’m teaching where students are so motivated, enthusiastic, and lively in the online classroom. I didn’t understand why, but now I’m thinking about how I’ve managed to create a shared sense of purpose and goals for this particular class. I will think about this more purposefully moving forward. I think it’s important to set this tone from the very beginning of the class. At TRU, since my courses are primarily online and text-based, the introduction post becomes quite important. I’ll rethink how to create an introduction post that clearly states the learning objectives by tying them to current contemporary issues and concerns that will engage students and to give a sense of my own investments in the topic.